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10 ml 110.0000

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Ingredient: Cineraria maritima Q , Euphrasia Q , Calcrea flurica 10x, Calendula officinalis Q, Kali muriaticum 10x, Magnesia Carbonica 10x, Silicea 10x

Product Description: Cataract, a common problem in middle and old age, develops from a variety of reasons, including long-term ultraviolet exposure, exposure to radiation, secondary effects of diabetes and aging.Cineraria maritima succus is the drug of choice which surely prevents cataract, as endorsed by Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH-1997), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. Dr. J.H. Clarke mentioned successful use of Cineraria Maritima in cases of early cataract as an external application. SBL’s Cineraria Maritima Euphrasia eye drops (CME), is a well balanced formula of homoeopathic therapeutics for prevention of cataract. It is recommended for all middle aged persons and patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. It also relieves the pain or discomfort of eye due to oversensitivity to light. SBL’s eye drops are manufactured under completely sterile conditions, in the state-of-the-art ophthalmic unit. CME is isotonic and non-irritant.

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