


1 month (India) One Consultation + 1 MONTH MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED) 900
1 month(Out of India) One Consultation + 1 MONTH MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED) 1900
3 months(India) 4 Consultations + 3 MONTHS MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED) 2300
3 months (Out of India) 4 Consultations + 3 MONTHS MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED) 3500
6 months (India) 8 Consultations + 6 MONTHS MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED) 3900
6 months (Out of India) 8 Consultations + 6 MONTHS MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED) 5500
12 months (India) 15 Consultations + 12 MONTHS MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED) 6900
12 months (Out of India) 12 MONTHS MEDICINES (SHIPPING INCLUDED - Maximum 3 times Shipping) 9500
Consultation only One Consultation (NO MEDICINES) 700

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